It is believed that the majority of the breeds we now know are descended from the Eurasian Wild Boar (Sus scrofa). Archaeological evidence from the Middle East indicates domestication of the pig occurs as early as 9,000 years ago, with some evidence for domestication even earlier in China. Figurines, as well as bone, dating the sixth or seventh millennium BC have been found at sites in the Middle East. Pigs were also a popular subjects for statuettes in ancient Persia.

While most livestock were utilized initially by nomadic peoples, swine are more indicative of a settled farming community. The reason for this is simply because pig are difficult to herd and move for long distances. Pigs have become vital to the economy in parts of the world. For example, there exists a “pig culture” in New Guinea as strong and complex as any African culture based on cattle.

 The Guide to Owning a Potbellied Pig

By Aly Semigran

If you’ve always been a lover of these amazing creatures, or you simply want a hypoallergenic pet that is as smart as it is clean, it’s essential to understand that being a responsible pet parent to a potbellied pig requires patience, care and understanding.

Whether you’re getting your first potbellied pig or gearing up to more into your family, here’s what you’ll need to know.

Physical Characteristics of Potbellied Pigs

There’s no such thing as a “one-size-fits-all” pig. According to Susan Armstrong-Madgison, owner and president of the Pig Placement Network and Rushland, Pennsylvania’s Ross Mill Farm, pigs are “genetically diverse.” Thus, there is very little consistency when it comes to their body size.

Dr. Daniel Gray of the Gentle Vet Animal Hospital in Green Bay, Wisconsin, adds that, like cats and dogs, a potbellied pig’s physical characteristics change with, “‘creative breeding’ that is constantly occurring.”

However, Gray says that potbellied pigs typically range anywhere from 90 to 150 pounds and stand between 16 and 30 inches tall.

Dan Illescas, who runs the Central Texas Pig Rescue, adds that a pig typically hits its full size around three to five years of age, so don’t expect the young pig you get to stay the same size.

All About Rooting

Rooting is the act of a potbellied pig digging and searching with its snout.  Rooting is not only an important and innate part of a potbellied pig’s behavior, it’s also incredibly beneficial for its overall health and well-being.

“Pigs use their snouts for fun, to excavate items to play with, but also to dig holes to lie in,” Illescas says. “Most people know that pigs don’t sweat, but most don’t know that pigs have a very complicated process of regulating their temperature. By rooting, pigs can cool down on a warm day. As an added benefit, dirt and mud offer effective protection from the harsh rays of the sun.”

What Do Potbellied Pigs Eat?

A pet pig diet is one of the most misunderstood parts of pig parenting, Illescas says, and it’s the most important aspect of owning a pig (or any pet) to understand.

“Pigs grow so quickly that poor nutrition can cause lasting, or even fatal problems,” he says. “Many piglets are improperly weaned and then sent to new homes with strict (and harmful) feeding instructions, that many pig parents faithfully follow, unwittingly causing their pigs to suffer as a result.”

So how can a pet pig parent avoid these issues? By keeping their pet on a pelleted, balanced diet that is formulated especially for potbellied pigs as instructed by their accredited breeder or adoption facility, and of course, their veterinarian. According to Illescas they should be fed this nutritionally complete diet twice a day, with a regimented schedule. 

Additionally, you want to avoid high-sugar or high-processed foods for treats, says Gray, adding that low-sugar, high-fiber fruits and veggies make the best treats for pet pigs.

Pig parents also have to find a balance between what they feed their pet and how much they eat while grazing outside. Madison says that if a pig eats grass in your backyard, depending on its intake, you should lessen the required amount of food for that day based on how much it ingested.

When it comes to keeping your pig hydrated, Gray says that water consumption varies with the amount of exercise your pig has and how much water is in their food (lots of veggie treats often means less water intake).

“The main thing to watch for is not the amount but the availability,” he says. “Pigs like to root so will often splash their water out of their bowl and not have any to drink later.  This needs to be monitored closely.”

At Home with a Potbellied Pig

While a potbellied-pig is a major responsibility, the rewards can be incredibly worthwhile when you consider how these animals behave in the home.

Nancy Shepherd, author of Potbellied Pig Parenting, points out that pigs are not only very affectionate animals but, perhaps most notably, they are very intelligent.

“They learn quickly, they do not forget, and they are able to deduce,” Shepherd says. “If they learn a behavior, they don’t unlearn that behavior.”

That’s exactly why, Shepherd says, you have to make sure you don’t spoil your pet pig or let them become the head of the household. Pigs remember both positive and negative reinforcement and know how to get the desired results (for instance, sometimes pigs will nudge at their owner when they want something).

She adds that, pigs are not terribly destructive pets overall, however, as they do sometimes root indoors, you can make them their own rooting box to avoid a distressed flooring or couch cushions.

Sponsor a Pig

– Wilbur – (2/3/18) born March 2017 a fun loving Juliana mini pig. (small spotted pig)

– Brian (3/5/18?) Born possibly the previous spring. Mini pot belly pig. (black pig)

– Punkin (8/4/18) Born ???? pot belly pig. Her story is a little sad as she came to us completely overweight by 100’s of pounds. She could hardly move, let alone stand up. It took over 9 months to get her to lose enough weight to safely put her under anesthesia to trim her hooves.